This piece goes back to a visit our family made one Christmas when I was nine years old, in Andrews, Texas. We visited a farm family, and the lady of the house brought out some pumpkin pie. It was absolutely the best of any pumpkin pie that I had ever tasted! The lady took me aside and explained that it was indeed the best of 'pumpkin pies'....but it was a Hubbard Squash...not a pumpkin. Even nine year olds can retain certain things, and this old gentleman bought his first Hubbard Squash this Fall...put it on the porch for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and just before Christmas, cut it up and put it in a huge pot to cook. The recipes and pictures are a simple result....and must be experienced to be believed. The sticky sweet pumpkin pies that are commercial efforts are not even close to the homemade Hubbard pie. Don't trust me on this...don't even believe me. Just try it, and let me know what YOU think....
Hey, I just bought my very first bag of self-rising flour and packages of dry yeast. Now I'm supposed to add Hubbard Squash (squashes?) to my grocery list?
Kristy :-)
These look absolutely DELICIOUS!!! It's good to see the butcher block being put to good use--we've all made great memories around it. I look forward to trying your Hubbard pie; it's easy to open a can of Libby's Solid Pack Pumpkin puree, but it takes LOVE to cook a huge Hubbard squash!
Making these pies is as easy guessed it. Put the cut up pieces of hubbard in a huge stewpot of cold water. Cook while you go to the store. The next day, scrape the good stuff in a huge bowl. throw the rinds away or into your compost pile. Voila! You now have enough squash to make enough homemade pies for the entire block...and they will be SOOO good. Freeze what you do not is the squash that keeps on giving.
Dad and Tom
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